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                • 邮编:238100
                • 电话:18656006819
                • 地址:安徽省合肥市高新区南岗科技园长宁大道3000号



                  公司拥有大批出色的技术人员,良好的设计理念,精密的〇加工设备,科学的管理模式和良好的企业文化。公司坚持以科技创新为基石,紧跟前沿技术,研制出一大批性能可↓靠、适销对路的高新技术产品,产品畅销国内各省、市并∑ 远销非洲、欧美、东南亚等地区。



                  Hefei chuhui machinery manufacture Co.,Ltd is a madern enterprise, which can professionally manufacture and sell intelligentized mechanial food package equipment. Our company is specialized in numbers of technical members, advanced AUTOCAD design system,exact machining apparatus,scientfic management mode and unique company culture. We develop high-new products in the foundation of science and technology innovation. Our products have seen excellent sales through China, as well as in several regions and countries in Africa, Occident and South Asia.

                  Our main products include Completely AutomaticLiquid Packing Machines, Completely automatic Side Packaging Machines,Multifunctional filling and sealing machines,carbonated drinks filling and sealing machines, Autiomatic Double -line jelly packing machines,Completely automatic compound membrance pillow packing machine, Completely automatic axenic packaging machines etc. All types of machinery are easy to operate and have stable quality and approciate price. Our company will provide all customers good-quality products and good service.

                  The foundation of our success is reliable quality and customers' loyalty. Customer satisfaction has always been our primary objective and goal. By right of decade experience, studious work and uninterrupted innovation, we shall cherish the trust of the clients and meet your requirement with high quality products and excellent service.


